

What is the effect of insulators

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Insulators,we also call them porcelain bottles, are insulators used to support wires. Therefore, the insulator must have good electrical properties and sufficient mechanical strength. The quality of the insulator is very important for the safe operation of the line. The capacitance tester adopts a new excitation coil for vacuum measurement without disassembly. It has many advantages o,such as convenient use ,high disassembly measurement and high test accuracy. It is a practical test instrument suitable for electric power, steel, petrochemical, textile, coal, railwayand many  other department. The insulator can be divided into supporting insulators according to the structure, and usually does not lose the insulation performance; the breakdown occurs inside the insulator, and the porcelain body is discharged through the iron cap and the iron foot, and the appearance may not be traced, but the insulating property has been lost, and may also be generated. The arc completely destroys the insulator. For breakdown, attention should be paid to checking the discharge marks and burns of the iron feet.

Insulator News 2
Suspension insulators, anti-fouling insulators and bushing insulators. Insulators used in overhead lines are usually pin insulators, butterfly insulators, suspension insulators, porcelain crossbars, rod insulators and tension insulators. Electrical faults in the insulator are flashover and breakdown. Flashover occurs on the surface of the insulator and burn marks can be seen. The insulator ensures adequate insulation between the wires and the cross arm and the tower. It should be able to withstand the load in the vertical direction of the line and the horizontal force during operation. It is also exposed to sunlight, rain, climate change and chemical attack.

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